9th EuChemS Chemistry Congress (ECC-9)

The Institute of Chemistry of Ireland (ICI) is delighted and honoured to be organising the 9th EuChemS Chemistry Congress (ECC-9), to be held in Dublin, Ireland, from 7th – 11th July, 2024.

The 9th EuChemS Chemistry Congress will have an exciting scientific programme with world-leading plenary speakers, invited speakers and short oral presentations, supplemented with a series of poster presentations, focused around eight scientific themes:

  • Advances in Synthetic Organic Chemistry (including Asymmetric Methodology, Inorganic Methodology, Green Synthetic Methodologies)
  • Catalysis (including Organometallic Catalysis, Organocatalysis, Biocatalysis, Photoredox Catalysis, Electrocatalysis)
  • Chemistry Meets Biology For Health (including Medicinal, Bioinorganic, Bioorganometallic, Radiochemistry, Food and Nutrition)
  • Education, History, Cultural Heritage, and Ethics in Chemistry
  • Energy, Environment and Sustainability (including Emerging Sustainable Chemistry, Technologies, Biomass Valorisation, Green Synthetic Methodologies, Circular Bioeconomy, Food)
  • Nanochemistry/Materials (including Organic and Inorganic, Material Science, Devices, Circuits, Systems, Neuromorphic Networks, and Bio-Inspired Computing)
  • Physical, Analytical and Computational Chemistry (including Physical chemistry of materials, Advances in physical chemistry and new techniques, New analytical methodologies and applications, Sensors, Theory and applications of computational chemistry and Machine Learning/AI)
  • Supramolecular Chemistry (including Chirality, Molecular Machines, Dissipative Systems, MOFs, Molecular Nanotopology, Sensors, Metallo-Supramolecular Chemistry, Molecular Logic, Host-Guest Chemistry, Self-Assembly Materials and Higher Order Structures)

The programme will feature dedicated sessions organised by the EuChemS European Young Chemists´ Network of EuChemS (EYCN) and the Institute of Chemistry of Ireland (ICI), and will be completed by a series of joint seminars and mini-symposia on:

  • New strategies and requirements for analytical chemistry in environmental assessment
  • Homogeneous catalysis and applications in synthesis
  • Recent advances in pharmaceutical chemistry and manufacturing

This Congress is the 9th in a series that started in Budapest in 2006, and since then has been held in several cities across Europe before reaching Dublin. The EuChemS Congresses are noted for their excellent scientific level, and have a reputation for giving all the attendees and participants the opportunity to listen to and interact with some of the most celebrated researchers in the world.

We look forward to welcoming you in Dublin in 2024!

Prof. Pat Guiry
ICI President
On behalf of the Institute of Chemistry of Ireland

More information

9th EuChemS Chemistry Congress (ECC-9)

The Institute of Chemistry of Ireland (ICI) is delighted and honoured to be organising the 9th EuChemS Chemistry Congress (ECC-9), to be held in Dublin, Ireland,

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